Andy's Storytime
Follow along as I read your favorite books aloud, featuring memorable voices and helpful audio queues when it's time to turn the page. Use Andy's Storytime in addition to your family reading time, or as background entertainment during playtime.
Andy's Storytime
Max and the Tag-Along Moon
In "Max and the Tag-Along Moon," written and illustrated by Floyd Cooper, experience the wonder of the moon following you home with a Coretta Scott King Award-winning illustrator!
Max loves his grandpa. When they must say good-bye after a visit, Grandpa promises Max that the moon at Grandpa’s house is the same moon that will follow him all the way home. On that swervy-curvy car ride back to his house, Max watches as the moon tags along. But when the sky darkens and the moon disappears behind clouds, he worries that it didn’t follow him home after all. Where did the moon go—and what about Grandpa’s promise?