Andy's Storytime
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Andy's Storytime
The Octonauts & the Great Ghost Reef
In “The Octonauts & the Great Ghost Reef,” the Octonauts travel to a large reef city where they discover this bustling destination has turned into a ghost town! The once colorful coral has turned an eerie white and homes lay empty. So the crew visit different reef 'neighborhoods' from mangrove forests to seagrass meadows, searching for clues. Can they solve the mystery of the great ghost reef?
Today, we're reading the Octonauts and the great ghost reef by Meiomi. It was a clear and sunny day under the tropical sea when. Captain barnacles bear was testing his snorkel. Peso penguin was shampooing. Claudius. Tweak money was changing a spark plug. Dr. Shellington was modeling his new swimsuit. Tune up the vegetable was packing a picnic basket. Dashi dog was picking out sunglasses. Quality kitten was taking the cat nap. Professor inkling was studying his travel guide. The crew quickly assembled in the octopods headquarters, defined professor inkling, frantically pointing to the Erie landscape outside. Octonauts the small Dumbo octopus, exclaimed. We're all excited about our vacation to the great reef city, but something peculiar has transpired. What a shiver, me timbers. Everything is white. Quasi puzzled out loud. This place looks like a ghost town. The city is built on top of a giant coral reef. Normally reefs look like colorful rocks, where many plants and animals make their homes. Dr. Shellington informed the crew. This is not at all. What I expected. We need to find out what happened here. Captain barnacles decided. The crew cautiously explored the silent streets of the city as they pass the abandoned buildings and empty houses. They caught glimpses of pale shapes and heard strange creeks and moans. Did you see that? Did you feel that. Did you hear that? I'm sure there's a perfectly good scientific explanation for all this. Shellington said nervously. Eventually they came upon an old turtle, nudging, a large trunk out his front door. Noticing the name on the mailbox. Barnacles politely asked. Excuse me, Mr. Slew stash. Could you tell us what happened here? The turtle slowly looked the polar bear up and down. I Then gave a low side. I am afraid. It's all a great mystery. Mr. Slow stash. She began his tail. When I first moved here. As a young whip or snapper. The reef was famous for its bright colors and sea grass. Plenty to eat. As time went by. More and more animals game to live here. They built fancy buildings, theaters, and shops. This place was quite the hot spot. I guess everyone was so busy. that no one noticed the coral beneath the city. I had started turning white. And brittle. Bit by bit it spread. The turtle gestured sadly to his own home. No, even my house is falling over. Nobody knows what calls this. Some even say the city is haunted. I'm the last to go. It's just too cold here from my old bones. Dashi padded the turtle shell and asked, is there anything we can do to help? Mr. SLO stash smiled and appreciation. Thank you. Young lady. I remember a beach from my childhood just to shake some, a turtles tail from here. I could certainly use a hand moving my rock collection there. The Octonauts packed. Mr. Slow stashes belongings onto the gut bay and the ship took off with a big swoosh. Arriving at the Sandy dunes of the beach, barnacles looked around and smiled. It sure is nice and warm. Everyone seems to be enjoying the sun. I forgot how shallow the water is here. An old turtle like me needs more shelter, Mr SLO stash, Fred, as he tucked into his shell. Let's keep looking. How about this mangrove forest there? She asked. The trees give cover to the animals and even drop fruit down for food. Shaking his head stubbornly, the turtle persisted. Um, but I don't see any of my favorite sea grass. Luckily sea grass Meadows grow right near mangroves. Peso announced cheerfully. Look at those happy to gong stint in the fields. The water is so murky here. Not clean and clear, like mild reef, fast, the turtle. He Shar is picky. I need a vacation from this vacation, quasi muttered. Flipping his tail and frustration, slow stash, limited. I never realized how special my reef was until now. There's no other place quite like it. If we can't find you a new home, we'll just have to figure out what's wrong with your old one. Barnacle said confidently. Let's head back and solve this ghost reef mystery. returning to the city. The crew found tweaked using the Gupti to prop up a row of teetering buildings. Watch out the money shouted out with concern. The city is starting to fall. We need to do something fast. Just then Shellington ran up to the crew and explained. Opta knots while you were away. I discovered something very fascinating. The reef isn't rocket. All it's made up of thousands of little creatures. The coral is alive. Does that mean they're not ghosts pay. So timidly asked. Shellington shook his head and explained no, but they are cold and hungry. When I was studying the healthy reef outside of town. I learned that each coral has algae inside that give it color and help it make food. algae, our plants and plants need light inkling added the buildings must be blocking out the sun and causing this coil to give up its algae. So that's why the reef turned white. Octonauts we have to move these buildings. Barnacles declared. Aha. News of the Octonauts discovery spread quickly in animals from far and wide returned to help together. They lifted off pieces of city to uncover the coral beneath. Everyone worked to build new homes around the coral instead of on top. Slowly, the reef became colorful and healthy again. Um, thank you for solving this mystery. Now I've learned that we need to care for the reef. Just like it cares for us. The turtle gratefully presented each of the crew with a rock from his prize collection. For all your hard work, slow stash added with a wink. The Octonauts laughed and all agreed. This was the greatest reef vacation ever.